
The DNA of eye color: it’s complicated

In high school I learned that blue eyes were a simple recessive gene so two brown-eyed parents could have a blue-eyed child but not vice versa. Recently I discovered that this was wrong. Many genes are involved in eye color and with the subtle variations in eye coloring.

GEDmatch eye color prediction for me eye color prediction for me

So I ran the fun eye color calculator at and discovered that it shows many of the SNPs involved in my eye color with the details of what they each do.

I had not realized that blue eyes are caused by the lack of (brown) melanin, so really are no color. Blue happens the same way the color of the sky does: light is bounced around in a way that appears blue according to the wikipedia article on eye color. Maybe that is why my eyes appear greenish when I wear certain green shirts and turquoise when I wear those color shirts.

If the two blue-eyed parents have their lack of eye color melanin caused by different genes then they could have a brown-eyed child. I happen to know a brown-eyed child of green and blue-eyed parents (and she looks just like her Dad so not what you are thinking). This case got me curious about how that could happen. So I googled around and found this wonderful article that explains it:

Here is my attempt to simplify the ghist of that article:

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My presentation on GEDmatch Tools is this Thursday in Carlsbad, CA

If you live anywhere in the San Diego area, you might enjoy hearing me talk about the tools at GEDmatch this Thursday evening, August 21, at 6:30 to the DNA Interest Group of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (known as DIGG  – click this link for location details) .  I will link to the presentation in the comments here by Thursday. Instead of powerpoint, I am using a cool online HTML 5 tool at to create the presentation. Here is one of the images I made for the talk.

Sample Admix MDLP World-22 Calculator

Sample Admix MDLP World-22 Calculator

In the left image, the pygmy is actually the smaller red slice and Sub-Saharan the larger – can you tell the colors apart? I cannot.

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GEDmatch is back up! is back up at last! is the site where you can upload your DNA results from any of the three main companies and compare them to other people’s results uploaded there. I have numerous articles on GEDmatch on this site, just click GEDmatch in the tag cloud on the right or click here. There is also a guide to using GEDmatch in my downloads section.

Also for anyone in the San Diego area, I will be giving a talk on using GEDmatch on the third thursday in August for the Carlsbad group of ISOGG members. More details on that soon.

Having that site back is great news for those of us who love it!

GEDmatch: A free website to compare and analyze your DNA results is a tremendous free membership website for analyzing your DNA data. Although I have previously blogged about the terrific ancestry composition tools at GEDmatch, I never did a step by step tutorial.

So I am pleased to announce that Barton Lewis from the DNA-NEWBIE list has contributed the documentation he wrote for his family to the downloads area of this website. Thank you Barton!

I added lots of pictures and we worked together on the presentation and wording. Let us know if you find it useful and what else we should add to it.

What to do at the GEDmatch site

A DNA cousin who just uploaded his ftDNA results to GEDmatch asked me what he could do with them, so I decided to write a blog post to answer this question. Here are my favorite things to do there:

  • make pretty pictures of your populations ancestry – called the Ad-Mix page
    (see more on that below)
  • get a list of possible relatives who have tested with other companies as well as the one you tested with, that is the “One to Many” option on your home page. Email addresses are shown but you cannot just click on them, you can cut and paste the first part but then you have to retype the ISP  (prevents spam)
  • look at a specific area of one chromosome to see who else matches you there – “Find people who match
    with you on a specified segment”
  • compare your GEDcom to one other to see of you can find that elusive MRCA
  • compare your GEDcom to all your DNA matches that have uploaded GEDCOM files

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