My preliminary schedule for Rootstech 2014

One of the best parts of a conference like RootsTech is meeting people in person with whom you have been corresponding about your beloved hobby. There are a number of folk whom I really look forward to meeting in person.

Reminder there are 2 days left to win a free pass so send me your questions for Spencer Wells.

Since there are so many presentations I want to go to I thought I would try using the Ipad app. So I downloaded it and as soon as I tried to use it though it wanted a username and password. I tried several of my usual combos to no avail and then used the handy “forgotten password help” which kindly sent me my username and a new password.

Meanwhile here are my picks for presentations to attend:

Searching the Digital Archive of Norway RT1486


How can you find your ancestors in the Norwegian sources? Many of the sources are available free on the Internet, but how do you find what you need?

Thursday, 10:30 AMRoom: 251A

I have used the digital archive but have great trouble with the search engine. I really look forward to improving my skills!

Next I am torn between Tim Jantzen’s presentation, much of which I know already and …

Advanced Techniques for Use of Autosomal DNA Tests to Break through Genealogical Brick Walls RT1374


This presentation will describe innovative techniques to analyze your autosomal DNA test results. Concepts such as phasing and triangulation will be introduced. Examples of challenging genealogical research questions that have been solved using autosomal DNA will be given.

Thursday, 1:00 PMRoom: Ballroom HAdvanced Skill Level

and this presentation which is the one I will probably attend so I can learn how to research my husband’s roots better as well as some of mine

Exploring and Researching Your Jewish Roots Online RT1334


Curious about your Jewish roots? Most research can now be done online! Learn how to identify towns of origin, get clues from passenger records, access archival databases, regional special interest groups and FamilySearch to easily trace your Jewish ancestry.

Thursday, 1:00 PMRoom: 251AAll Skill Level

then probably some help finding all those Anderson, Thompson, and Larson relatives

Common Surnames: Finding Your Smiths RT1213


Whether your ancestor was a Smith, Jones, Brown, or Johnson, Juliana will share tips for tracking them down. Using charts, spreadsheets, search tips, and a little common sense, you’ll leave this class with some ideas for narrowing your search.

Thursday, 2:30 PMRoom: Ballroom CIntermediate Skill Level

Then of course I have to go to this one:

Ask the Experts: Genetic Genealogy in 2014 RT1269


Genetic genealogy experts from commercial companies as well as nonaffiliated experts from the genetic genealogy community will discuss the exciting latest advancements in genetic genealogy. The attendees will be engaged in a lively discussion where audience participation is strongly encouraged.

Thursday, 4:00 PMRoom: Ballroom AAll Skill Level

Friday morning Spencer Wells is one of the keynote speakerrs (2 days left to win a free pass  so send me your questions for Spencer)

then this sounds fascinating for a geek like me

Effective Database Search Tactics RT1325


Your research success depends on knowing the best way to search each different collection. Boolean, truncation, keyword, fielded data, proximity, phrase, wild cards and wild words are not foreign terms, but rather your keys to genealogical success!

Friday, 10:30 AMRoom: Hall DIntermediate Skill Level

next I hope to learn how to twist a few more arms into doing DNA testing …

Begging for Spit RT1066


One of the biggest challenges facing genealogists is asking family members and non-genealogists to undergo DNA testing. Together we’ll examine novel and interactive ways to encourage participation by making these individuals stakeholders in DNA testing.

Friday, 1:00 PMRoom: Ballroom JIntermediate Skill Level

okay enough for now, I will go through the rest later



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