Visit with Me on MyHeritage Live this Wednesday

Would you like to see me virtually, in person, and be able to ask me a question? I will talk about ‘Finding family with DNA at MyHeritage‘ on Wednesday July 29 at 11am PST (2pm EST) and then respond to queries. UPDATE: It is over but you can click here to view the video or click here for my slides

I am very pleased to be a speaker in the MyHeritage Live series hosted on their FaceBook page at and hope to see some of you there. If you miss it, you can always watch it in the video section of that page later on. There are lots of great sessions available there from this series, check them out!

The Video Library on the MyHeritage FaceBook page

From the MyHeritage blog at

“You can participate in these sessions right from our Facebook page — no advanced registration required! Simply visit the Facebook page when the session is scheduled to start and look out for the live video broadcast at the top of the feed. You’ll be able to ask questions in the comments, and the speakers will respond to them live. “

UPDATE 28-JUL-2020: Once we are live I will post the link here and link this image to it also.

One thought on “Visit with Me on MyHeritage Live this Wednesday

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  1. One thing that tripped me up initially was when I compared a group of related cousins and I was told there were no triangulations which I knew was false.

    After some experimentation, I discovered that you only get triangulations when ALL the people in your selected group match on a segment. See

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