A Few Reminders and Please Vote

This is the last call for you to contribute your X chromosome statistics to my survey. Click here for my post explaining the project.

CaptureThis is the fifth year of the survey of best genealogists in a number of categories conducted by Canadian genealogist John D Reid at his blog Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections. Please vote for your favorites.

This is the second DNA only conference by I4GG.org so don’t miss it. It will be in my hometown, San Diego, the weekend of October 22-23. The weather will be lovely, as always, and I will be doing a session on the tools at GEDmatch.

And my final reminder, please contribute your DNA statistics to my study on the differences between half siblings matches versus aunt/uncle/niece/nephew matches versus grandparent /grandchild matches. This is particularly important for helping adoptees. The hope is that when they get one of these matches, maybe it would be possible to tell which relationship it is without testing more family members. Click here for my post on that.

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