Rootstech 2015 is next week! Come to my talk

Next week is Rootstech 2015! I can’t wait. I had such a great time last year. I met many of my facebook friends, fellow genetic genealogists, and genealogy bloggers in person and got to enjoy their talks.

OneWorld,OneTreeI am pleased that this year I will be giving a talk, about the advantages of contributing your research to a one world tree. I will also compare the features of the big three, FamilySearch, GENI, and WIKItree. A topic that I blogged about last year.

Rootstech has a cool app for your Ipad, Iphone or Android which will track your schedule, your friends, and more. You can get it from the app or play store, just search for Rootstech 2015.

You can also view the schedule online at the web site and then select “DNA” in the left hand filters to see all the DNA talks, as in the example below.

Here is the listing for my talk:

RT1661 The Advantages of Working with a One World Tree

Friday (Feb. 13) – Ballroom C – 2:30

The concept of a one world tree is to have a database where genealogists collaborate with just one copy of each ancestor Which of the three major one tree websites is best for this: FamilySearch, Geni, or WikiTree?


Also this year, Rootstech is teaming up with the The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) who will be holding their conference at the same time. Click the image above for the full schedule page.

I am lucky that I live in the San Diego area, not just because the weather is great, but also because genetic genealogy star Cece Moore has gotten a local DNA special interest group going. She will talk about that, as well as her behind the scenes work with Henry Louis Gates Jr on the PBS show Finding Your Roots. Here are the listings for her talks:

RT1460 RT1460 Exploring Family Stories with DNA from PBS’ Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

  • CeCe Moore
  • Thursday (Feb. 12)
  • Ballroom I
  • 3:00
  • Category: DNA
  • Pass Type: RootsTech
  • Fam Hist Skill: All
  • Tech Skill: All

Genetic genealogy has been extensively utilized to explore the family stories of the guests on season two of “Finding Your Roots”, but much of that research never makes it to the screen. Get a behind-the-scenes look into the techniques used.

FGS-W-122 FGS-W-122 Bringing Your Society Into the 21st Century with a DNA Interest Group (B/I/A)

  • CeCe Moore
  • Wednesday (Feb. 11)
  • FGS 255C
  • 2:45
  • Category: FGS
  • Pass Type: FGS
  • Fam Hist Skill: All
  • Tech Skill: All

FGS PASS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS CLASS. Genealogy societies benefit by attracting new and younger members. Creating a DNA Interest Group (DIG) is one successful way of doing so.

FGS-F-323 FGS-F-323 Genetic Genealogy Standards (B/I/A)

  • CeCe Moore
  • Friday (Feb. 13)
  • FGS 255C
  • 4:00
  • Category: FGS
  • Pass Type: FGS
  • Fam Hist Skill: n/a
  • Tech Skill: All

FGS PASS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS CLASS. Under the guidance of Blaine Bettinger and CeCe Moore, a committee has developed standards for the use of genetic genealogy by the genealogy community. This presentation will review those standards.


And here is my friend Angie Bush’s talk:

FGS-S-403 FGS-S-403 Determining Kinship with DNA (I/A)

  • Angie Bush
  • Saturday (Feb. 14)
  • FGS 355E
  • 10:30
  • Category: FGS
  • Pass Type: FGS
  • Fam Hist Skill: Intermediate
  • Tech Skill: All

FGS PASS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS CLASS. DNA can confirm, refute, or provide new avenues of research. We will explore case studies showing the application of DNA testing as part of the GPS in establishing kinship and identity. This session will be recorded.

Disclaimer: My brother is Shipley Munson who organizes Rootstech.

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