Humor and back from vacation

I hope your Easter and Passover holidays were as lovely as mine were.  My son finally visited our new, or not so new, San Diego home and I had the pleasure of showing him some of my favorite places here last week.

So yes I have been on vacation, however I have several good articles in the works so stay tuned. Meanwhile I hope you find this Esto cartoon as funny as I did.

Geneapalooza Handwriting

Esto Frigus cartoon from Geneapalooza, used by permission

Also I want to thank whomever ordered that nice expensive diesel heater for their boat via my Amazon associate account. Thank you so much for covering a month of my hosting!

2 thoughts on “Humor and back from vacation

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  2. Susan, Thank you! I am glad you are enjoying this blog and I hope you like amazon prime as much as we do! I apreciate your using my links for your test very much.

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