My Dad, Larry Munson, 1920-2016

A week ago on Easter Sunday my 96 year old Dad died. He was ready, but I was not. He had a wonderful life and everyone in his assisted living facility adored him. I was told he was a real gentleman, he was sweet, he sang so beautifully … When mother died seven years ago, we did not expect Dad to last long after her. They were married for 62 years and were still very much in love.

But that Norwegian optimism kept him going. Some days he thought I was my mother, some days he thought I was his mother, but after about a year he was back to his charming self and usually knew I was his daughter. This is one of my favorite pictures of them taken when I was a toddler.


Larry Munson, baby Kitty Munson, Gretchen Munson 1951

Here is his obituary in the Garden City News [UPDATE 23 Dec 2020 the Easthampton Star one is no longer online]
We are taking him home to East Hampton for his final rest, service on April 22 at 11:30 St Luke’s church.

It feels like a big piece of me is gone, the rock beneath my feet. I am looking at a beautiful alpine scene but wait, the Matterhorn is missing! It has taken me a whole week to write this post.

Some fifteen years ago, I got him to write about his childhood from the point of view of how technology had affected it. These are his stories:
Brooklyn 1920-1928
Cragsmoor 1920-1935

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Now for a few pictures:

Larry and Gretchen wedding with her mother and his father

Larry and Gretchen after their wedding with her mother and his father, 1947

Larry Munson and Sister-in-law Trudi Beyer in 2000

Larry Munson and sister-in-law Trudi Beyer in 2000


Four generations of Munson men (R1b-P312): Shipley, Dad, Geddes, Quil – Oct 2013

14 thoughts on “My Dad, Larry Munson, 1920-2016

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  1. Kitty, what a beautiful tribute to your Father. I know the loss of losing a father and am sorry for heartache you and your family are going through. It hurts deeply. I’m glad for the good life you and he had. Our condolences, Jan and Jim

  2. Deepest sympathy on the loss of your father. I understand the feeling of loss. The stories were wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. I can say from experience that it will get easier, but no matter how old a parent is, or even how ill, you’re never fully prepared for them to leave. Thanks for sharing! They were both very striking.

  4. How cute you look! I remember my Mom combing my sister’s hair just like that!…You had a wonderful Dad!… ( Yesterday was my Dad’s birthday..he would have been 95..)..

  5. You dad was born the same year as my grandmother. What an amazing time they lived through, perhaps the most transformative ever. I’m very sorry for your loss.

  6. So sorry for the loss of your father! Remembering his love for you will help you through the grieving of your loss.

  7. Thank you for sharing the loving tribute to your father and the touching photographs. It is obvious how important he is to you and I am so sorry for your loss.

  8. Kitty, what a wonderful tribute to your father! I enjoyed reading it very much. My sincerest condolences on your loss… I do understand. My mother passed away the day after Christmas 2015. It’s still difficult to believe that she’s gone.

  9. Sincerest condolences on the death of your beloved father.

    Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    My dad, also born in 1920, died on April 1, 2013. I miss him every day and cherish the time I had with him.

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