Christmas DNA Sales are here!


Existing ftDNA customers get coupons

Both Family Tree DNA ($89) and AncestryDNA ($79) have Christmas sales for their DNA kits (those prices do not include shipping). I think the DNA testing sale will last only until November 20th. Family Tree DNA‘s sale is on until the end of the year. In contrast 23andme just doubled their price but is adding new interfaces and health results.

Family Tree DNA  has special gift coupons for existing customers; so log in every week and see what you have. Roberta Estes suggested that people could put their unwanted codes in the comments on her detailed post about the ftDNA sale. That seems like a good idea to me. You can do that here too, but please indicate in a reply to each coupon comment when you have taken that one. I will list a few of my coupon codes also.

I have written up my recommendations for where to do your DNA testing on my comparison page. Here is a summary of my current thoughts on which company to use.


I prefer Family Tree DNA for testing very old relatives since it is a cheek swab, not spit, which is far easier for many. Also you will find more matches there than at ancestry if you have non-American or ashkenazi ancestors. is best for those with colonial ancestry. Use 23andme if you want the health results or are adopted so are testing everywhere. It currently has a larger database for Europeans than either of the others so if finding relatives across the pond is important to you, that is also a reason to test at 23andme. Note that the raw data from ancestry can be uploaded to to get many of your health results but ftDNA deliberately does not include health SNPs. For just $39 more, you can do both ancestry and Family Tree DNA by testing at ancestry then uploading to Family Tree DNA (see my post on that).

Wherever you test, consider uploading your raw data to in order to get some different and probably better ancestry composition results, as well as to be able to compare your DNA to people who have tested elsewhere. Also upload your results to which may have some interesting tools in the future.

2 thoughts on “Christmas DNA Sales are here!

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  1. Thought I would post this information in case anyone else is considering using Ancestry for their DNA testing.

    I spoke with today to inquire about the reduced membership price they offered to non members who wanted to do their DNA with Ancestry. The subscription level is called AncestryDNA Insights ($49) and allows communication with other DNA testers/matches at Ancestry. This subscription is very limited and really only useful for DNA matching. The associate informed me that you would need to call them to register for AncestryDNA Insights as it is not shown as an option on the website. More detail is located here.

    I was also able to clarify my question about testing multiple family members tests and membership requirements at Ancestry. The associate informed me that the best way to test multiple family members (without requiring multiple membership fees) is to issue the all tests from your working or guest account. If you only have a guest account, you will need to subscribe in order to communicate with your family matches. The associate suggested waiting to upgrade from a guest account to a paid regular membership or AncestryDNA Insights membership until after you have the test results, then you will have the full year to review your DNA matches.

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