New Sort Option for the Ancestry Pro Tools DNA Match List!

Many of us got the Ancestry Pro Tools to see how our matches were related to each other; then we got frustrated when there were many pages of matches that could not be sorted by the closest matches to that match.  Look at the image below. The sort feature we wanted is here!

On the far right above your match list it now says Group Search Sort. If you click the sort button, it pops up a little box which gives you the option to sort by your closest matches, your match’s closest matches, or by the date.

The advantage of sorting by your match’s matches is that you can now quickly see if you have already solved the relationship to one of their close family members. The first few words of whatever you put in the notes for that match are listed. Plus if Ancestry has found a relationship there is a little three person icon. More on the basics of the pro tools are in my June blog post (click here). Meanwhile, if this has not rolled out to your pro tools account yet, there is a workaround mentioned by Leah Larkin in her facebook group – The DNA Roundtable – just add
to the end of the URL on the page with your match

Remember, this new feature only works if you have the Ancestry Pro Tools which I have heard are on sale for the Holidays at a bargain price

7 thoughts on “New Sort Option for the Ancestry Pro Tools DNA Match List!

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  1. Thanks Kitty! This will make things so much easier-I’m sure I would have missed this new feature if I hadn’t read about it here!

  2. I highly recommend purchasing the Pro Tools. It has allowed me to find deep connections that were not possible before. I have tried to use the sort tools, but I found that I was missing connections if names were spelled otherwise and locations were not exact. I would recommend using the Pro Tools in connection with having multiple sets of DNA for a family line. Using 3rd cousins DNA where the only dna connection is via a specific family group has been very helpful. I also sought and found DNA cousins who are one generation closer than I am and that opened even more doors. The work is also much faster if you note member accounts as being from one family or another.

    • Ciao sono incoronata ho una corrispondenza su mhyeritage e mi sembra e una bambina che ho con lei altre corrispondenze in comune.però nel suo albero ho visto che i suoi genitori hanno un icona grigia del dna vuol dire che anche i genitori hanno fatto il test e su queste icone sempre su mhyeritage ce scritto privato insomma chi gestisce i kit sul albero e scritto privato solamente le corrispondenze della figlia corrisponde ha me che significa?

      • I would recommend contacting customer support at MyHerutage. They are usually ver helpful. Sadly, I do not know the answer to your question

  3. Kitty, My Heritage is rolling out it’s 2.5 ethnicity reports. Mine made sense for the most part. But, I am very confused regarding the report of a Turkish friend based on the new 2.5 report. In the old report he had 12 % Sephardic Jewish and 2% Ashkenazi and now all of the Jewish is gone and replaced with more specific middle eastern lines. (Persian, Kurdish, Syrian) I thought that Jewish lines were rather easy to note and I am confused how a reboot of ethnicity would result in 100% removal? thanks Bill

    • William, very interesting. Ashkenazi is usually quite clear in the DNA because of how inbred the European Jewish population was but middle eastern jews may not be so clear in the DNA. They are from the same population roots as those others you mention. Predicting bio-ancestry is not yet a science as I stated in my most recent blog post.

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