Holiday Sales and Specials

This is a wonderful time of year for DNA testing because both DNA testing and Family Tree DNA have great holiday sales. The DNA testing sale does not start until midnight EST Thanksgiving day and lasts only until the 28th. See the banner below. What’s more, if you have already tested DNA, you can upload to and perhaps receive a full genome test for Christmas (see the read more).

myftdnaholidayIn addition to the great bargain prices, Family Tree DNA has special coupons for existing users which are new every Monday. You have to log in to see yours. Click the green box marked Holiday Reward (like the image to the left here) located just above your matches on your home page there.

And let’s not forget that MyHeritage has also entered the DNA testing arena with a holiday sale price of $79. My understanding is that the Family Tree DNA lab is doing their testing so your results should be transferable to Family Tree DNA for more matching sometime in the future. Note that the National Geographic deep ancestry project is transferable already.

Also we have been promised another Christmas present, any day now, Family Tree DNA will be able to take uploads of DNA data from the new chips at ancestry and 23andme for only $39.

So give the gift of DNA testing this year … Happy Holidays all!

and for the information on the holiday gifting …

Here is the video from the Facebook page

and here is what they say there

DNA.Land Gives Back! #dnalandgivesback

We are excited to announce that we will be giving away Whole-Genome sequencing services to some of our users!

Our goal is to reach 40,000 users by Christmas Day. If we can meet that goal as a community, we will be giving two of our users a fully sequenced genome as a holiday gift.

But, it wouldn’t be in true DNA.Land style if we didn’t shoot for the moon!

We have set a number of exciting stretch goals.

If we reach 45,000 users by Christmas Day, we will give five of our users a fully sequenced genome as a holiday gift.


6 thoughts on “Holiday Sales and Specials

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  1. Kitty, do you have some information about possible 23andme V4 autosomal transfers to FTDNA? I knew they were working on making the new AncestryDNA files compatible, but V4 also?

  2. I’ve already uploaded my 23andMe DNA files to MyHeritage…but as discussed back in September on your blog, the matching does NOT seem to be working very well. But apparently they’re working on fixing this.

    Will the MyHeritage DNA kit “add” anything, then? I already have tested everyone on 23andMe and, and have been looking forward to transferring those autosomal to FTDNA (where I already have been collecting Y and Mt results; hoping to get as many of my great-great-grandparents’ haplogroups as possible as I find more and more male-line or female-line cousins).

    If MyHeritage is going to be another pool of potential matches (and linked to trees!), it would be ideal to be in it…but I don’t really want to pay for more testing. Will MyHeritage work via transfer as they already were promising, or is releasing their own kits a sort of bait and switch?

    • Mark I really do not know the answer to your question. Try asking over on the MyHeritage blog. The matching has already improved greatly. My assumption is that you do not need a new test at MyHeritage for people who are already tested.

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