More on the SCGS Jamboree: Free Live Streaming

I am very grateful that has sponsored live streaming of the Jamboree since my foot problems are keeping me home now. There is one selected presentation available in each time slot.

TriangulationSlidesSee the schedule here: and how to get set up for it here

I really enjoyed my day and a half at the Jamboree. I discovered that most of the San Diego folk had come by train! There is a stop next door at the Burbank Airport and the hotel has a van that will fetch you. Next year …

As always I loved listening to Cece Moore. I learned a few things from her presentation about some of her adoptee success stories. Many more genetic genealogy stars were there: Blaine Bettinger, Tim Janzen, Angie Bush, Judy Russell, and Kathy Johnston. Sadly I had to miss most of their presentations since I gave two of my own.

I was pleasantly surprised by the full house at my triangulation lecture. It was exciting to be live streamed. A number of folk told me afterwards that they felt like they finally understood this concept. What I did was present a number of real life cases from my own research where I used DNA triangulation to figure out relationships. That seemed to work well.

This morning I got some feedback from a round table attendee who had watched me live streamed. She told me that the numbers on my slides from screen shots were too small viewed from home. I will go fix that tomorrow (click the image above to get to the slides but use my notes in the downloads section when you go through them )

I noticed when I watched Dr. Michael D. Lacopo’s wonderful presentation on Finding and Utilizing German Church Records  via live stream that this also happened with his screen shots. Then I realized I was watching on my Ipad, probably on my larger screen computer they would be fine.

So the trick is to check your slides on your tablet before your presentation. Now I know!

Back to the live streaming… if you have trouble figuring it out from the Jamboree page here is the quick start version.

You sign up for a free username and password on this page,

You will receive an email with your username and password. Then you can sign in and view the streaming presentation at this page:

3 thoughts on “More on the SCGS Jamboree: Free Live Streaming

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  1. Thank you for taking part in the DNA education day. Enjoyed the hour, thankyou. I am sure the day gave more questions to solve then answers, like all research. The statements made leave me spining as I sort it all out.

  2. Hi Kitty,
    I watched your Triangulation program via live streaming and it was so informative and I finally got it! I have been messing around (and spending tons of money) with DNA since the beginning (23andMe, Geno 1, Sorenson, Geno 2, ScotlandsDNA, Big Y, AncestryDNA) and couldn’t quite figure out how to analyze the data to find common relatives. I did my first triangulation using GEDMatch Tier 1 tools and found I match a Barry Wold! My mom’s dad is from Norwegian immigrants (Severson and Thompson). We found out via 23andMe (big surprise) that her father who raised her was not her father.

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