My presentation on GEDmatch Tools is this Thursday in Carlsbad, CA

If you live anywhere in the San Diego area, you might enjoy hearing me talk about the tools at GEDmatch this Thursday evening, August 21, at 6:30 to the DNA Interest Group of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (known as DIGG  – click this link for location details) .  I will link to the presentation in the comments here by Thursday. Instead of powerpoint, I am using a cool online HTML 5 tool at to create the presentation. Here is one of the images I made for the talk.

Sample Admix MDLP World-22 Calculator

Sample Admix MDLP World-22 Calculator

In the left image, the pygmy is actually the smaller red slice and Sub-Saharan the larger – can you tell the colors apart? I cannot.

The tools at GEDmatch discussed in my presentation are:

  • Ancestry composition (called Admixture)

  • Comparing your DNA results: one to many, one to one, triangulation

  • Phasing: separating out what you got from one parent

  • Analyzing your DNA: Parents related? Problems in your data? Rare SNPs?

And yes, GEDmatch is down this week but I have made special arrangements to have some of the tools available to me at the talk, so bring your kit numbers!

Thanks everyone for coming! I had lots of fun doing this and enjoyed meeting you all. The handout is in my downloads area and has a link to the slides which are located at:

18 thoughts on “My presentation on GEDmatch Tools is this Thursday in Carlsbad, CA

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  1. Hello Kitty,
    I noticed that the Calulator for GED Match shows the same color Brown for North-European and the Near East.This is under the African American. I had Middle East the whole time under the Population Finder from 14.79% to 12.05 % in their lastest test. The 1st Population Finder had Iranian Jewish it is ovious that I was never Adgei but I was always Middle East. Why is North Europe and the Near East the same color? I wish to give you my kit number and information.I need help.

  2. Yes the colors are too close or perhaps the same but the actual output has a list of the numeric percentages on the left so one uses those. This is just a slide for my talk.

    I will add another image later so you can see that

  3. I did not get to make it to the presentation… but now I know such a group exists! Exciting! 🙂 I would love to connect with other local folks who do this stuff.

    The donate button above just directs to paypal. Any idea what the paypal email address is for donations?

  4. Kitty, thanks again for your presentation, which was enjoyed by all. We look forward to having you come back. If anyone wants to receive reminders for our meetings, held on the third Thursday of each month, please send a request to: NSDCGS(dot)DIG(at)

    • Thanks Kathleen, I really enjoyed doing it and meeting you all. I just wish you were closer! So next time I will have a beach walk with Carol beforehand so that I have a reason to drive up there before the rush hour traffic!

      My slides are accessible online and linked to above. I improved on them a little and added some comments so those who missed the show can still get something out of the slides. Plus there were a few at the end that I did not get to.

  5. Thanks Carrie, DIGG is a realy nice group. There is also a San Diego Genealogical Society but I do not think they have a DNA special interest group yet.

    The donate button takes you to paypal but it includes the correct email address which is kitty at this web site address without the blog. in the front.

    • Carrie – I see you meant the donate to GEDmatch button not the donate to me button. I removed the GEDmatch button since it did not work correctly. The good news is that it now shows again at the bottom of your home page when you log into GEDmatch.

      YES GEDmatch is BACK UP!!!

  6. Sorry I wasn’t free to come to your presentation and have the opportunity to meet you. Thanks for making the presentation available. I’m a heavy user of GEDmatch’s matching tools, but my 100% British ancestry means that any admixture estimates are pretty boring (and don’t help when working with my matches), so I’ve never done much research on the various admixture projects and what each has to offer. This is the first time I’ve seen anyone indicate which Projects to use in various situations, which will be really helpful when I’m asked for advice – I haven’t had a good link to provide before this, so I hope it’s OK for me to add a link on my website?

    • Sue – Of course you may. I made the slides using an online service so that people COULD link to it or even to a specific slide. Sorry we did not meet. I will try to get to an SD genealogy meeting soon as that is nearer to me and sounds interesting

  7. Hi Kitty,

    I just discovered your fantastic site. I’ve tested on and 23andme over a year ago and have also tested my mom and dad. I’ve already found previously unknown cousins, exchanged photos, met face to face, broke down brick walls in my family tree… it’s been a blast. I’m interested in GEDMatch to take things to the next level. It seems much more open, and I don’t fully understand if there are any privacy concerns about uploading DNA data there. Ancestry seems very buttoned down. 23andme let’s you explicitly control who you share with. How does GEDMatch compare? I think I would be a little less cautious if it were only my own DNA, but mom and dad are trusting me with theirs and I want to be a good son. 🙂

    What are your thoughts? Thanks so much!!

    — Don

  8. Don, welcome to this fascinating hobby.

    I don’t fully understand the privacy concerns about our DNA tests at all. So another blog post to do after more research …

    Less than 2% of your genome is tested by these personal genome services so even if someone had access to your raw data where is the danger? That they know your eye color? GEDmatch allows anyone to look at where you overlap, if you allow that when you upload, but not the raw data. Again where is the harm?

    I suppose if you or a family member are planning on criminal activity this could be a concern. Read this blog post for some thoughts about genetic privacy:

  9. hello Kitty
    just new to this game, have plenty of paper trails, I work as a genealogist part time, but DNA is a whole new ball game. I would appreciated any advice from you on where I can go on line or off (I live in Ireland) to get a better (forget better) just to get an understanding of reading and comparing the Chromosomal read outs including my own. Many thanks

  10. Ah while I am at it, I received no match what so ever from FTDNA for the ydna I sent from my sons father, not even a haplogroup origin, though his haplotree is R-M269. I got 4 matches on but when I tried to contact the people I got this message “500 – Internal server error.” for all four hits. I also join GedMatch but really do need help in understanding how to manoeuvre around this site. Sorry for so many questions but I am eager to learn

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