This really sounds like something my husband might say. He loves a good pun and certainly complains about how much time I spend on my computer doing DNA stuff!
Tag Archive | Esto Frigus
Mother’s Day is Coming
Y haplogroup humor
Esto’s cartoons often really hit the spot. This one really reminds me of my husband and myself.
When I told my 98% Ashkenazi husband that his Y-DNA haplogroup (E1a1 aka E-M44) probably originated in Timbuktu, he started dancing around the room shouting “I am black!”
Those Norwegian names … more humor
Loved this comic from Esto Frigus, yes those Norwegian names are hard work!
used by permission of Esto Frigus of genealapalooza
A break for humor
The genealogy cartoon strips done by Esto Frigus at geneapalooza always lighten my mood.
This week I am too busy polishing my talk for Rootstech (this coming Friday at 2:30, Ballroom C) to write any posts. So instead I offer some humor from Esto that is quite relevant to the fact that I am flying to Salt Lake City tomorrow for a genealogy conference!