Tag Archive | chromosome mapping

Chromosome Mapping Tool Released

The DNA segment chromosome mapping tool is now released for all to try. This is the current URL:


and the documentation is here:


Thanks to all the testers, I think the bugs have been found and fixed. The next release will have some enhancements so make your suggestions here. So far I expect to add the following features:

  • ignore the side column so alternately chose a side and color
  • better error reporting and more bullet proof
  • add a third option and thus line on the chromosomes for unknown or both
  • add a note column that is part of what appears on mouse over with the MRCA
  • allow selection of colors
  • make a version designed to show overlaps on unknown relatives

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First version of Chromosome Mapping Tool

I am looking for more testers and some feedback on the colors. Click the read more for more images. Yes my data has a small bug for chromosome 1 and 9 :). In the actual tool mousing over the color tells you the ancestor, the segment size, and start and stop points. The actual output is much larger than the image below.


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