Norwegian Pancakes for Christmas

This blog was intended to be a personal blog with many gardening, cooking, and genealogy posts. However after I tested my DNA and talked other family members into doing it too, I found that they needed explanations of how to do things at blogcategoriesthe various DNA companies. Unlike me they were not willing to spend hours and hours experimenting, so I added a number of tutorials for my cousins which are linked to from the top menu here under DNA testing as well as from under Resources. Soon I found myself writing more about DNA: tips, techniques, and success stories. Thus this blog morphed into being mainly about genetic genealogy. The numbers for each category shown on the left tell the story.

So enough DNA for now. To me the holidays are about love, family, friends, and food. Happy Holidays to all of you. Now for some food …

My late father always made us “Norwegies,” the family nickname for Norwegian pancakes, on Christmas morning as well as on many other special occasions. So guess what I cooked on Christmas morning for my jewish husband. No I will not make them on every day of Hannukah! Yes he did say that they were just like blintzes.

norweegiesWe stuffed them with strawberry jam and then sprinkled them with confectioner’s sugar. Click here for the family recipe in a previous year’s holiday food post (towards the end).

My New Year’s resolution is to write more food and garden posts, maybe as often as once a month, in addition to the usual weekly DNA post and the occasional genealogy post.

7 thoughts on “Norwegian Pancakes for Christmas

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    • When I was in Norway I ate the waffles with the brown cheese … never saw these pancakes. Glad to hear you eat them too. Bacon yum!

  1. I happened to make almost the same thing yesterday morning. Yours look so much better than mine. Looking at the recipe I can see why.
    For traditional English pancakes I use 1 cup flour and 1 egg. For French crepes, 1 cup flour and 3 eggs. But the in-between of 1 cup of flour and 2 eggs gets me into trouble. From your recipe, more milk is needed.
    Love the touch of cardamom, as I cook a lot of Indian and Levantine dishes. Unusual for northern Europe. Very good in Turkish/Greek coffee.

    • Yes the milk is important, of course we had none so I used plain non-fat yogurt mixed with water until it had the right consistency! Tasted fine with a touch of extra sugar. Yes the cardamom really adds a little something. I have also hear of using nutmeg …

  2. Reminds me a lot of the crepes suzettes my mom used to make but how clever of you to use a blender to make it easier. I used this recipe for New Year’s Day.

    • I made them again myself yesterday when I had friends for brunch! Yum.
      Crepes are almost the same recipe but one more egg I think.

      The blender is wonderful (add the butter just before cooking).
      Pre heat the pallet and put the extras in the pre heated oven tolowest temp (turned off) to stay warm

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