DNArboretum is working again!

Thank you neanderling for fixing DNArboretum! We missed that tool so much. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I blogged about this chrome add-on that can turn those awful Family Tree DNA family trees into easily searchable ahnentafels this past September at http://blog.kittycooper.com/2015/09/using-an-ahnentafel-and-the-dnarboretum-tool/

Recently someone brought to my attention these instructions for how to turn a text genealogy document, like an ahnentafel, into GEDcom format

This would let you load that ahnentafel into a genealogy program.

Perhaps I will quickly code a program to do this if people really think it is useful … let me know! If I get ten $5 donations (click button below) or 6 glasses of wine (click button in right column) I will do it!

GOAL has been reached and all the contributors have been sent the URL of the preliminary converter to try out. Of course it took longer than I expected so I have left the DONATE button up in hopes of recouping the cost of my time 🙂 Merry Christmas adoptees. Next blog post will have the link to the tool when I release it.


6 thoughts on “DNArboretum is working again!

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  1. The link in your file looks like it creates one record per name but doesn’t include the fields to link individuals into family groups. I haven’t evaluated this one, but it popped up when I Googled {ahnentafel gedcom}.


    It might pay to investigate this a bit further before spending time on it.

    • Thanks Ann
      Yes I saw that and posted that link in the original article and asked for reviews but got none.
      However it is not web based like my tools, so not suitable for Mac users
      This is a fairly easy task that interests me since I have been meaning to learn the GEDcom structure so I can write other fun tools
      Also I like to support the DNA adoption community, who are the ones who want this tool the most
      Almost at my goal so starting to work on it …

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