
So much to report, teach me to take a vacation! has a new database: Social security applications and claims index, and DNAgedcom has a new tool to report your ancestry DNA total cMs, and I missed mentioning the Ancestry DNA sale at $79 instead of the usual $99 because it ends tonight. Hopefully there will be another one soon.

SocSecAppIndxI tried looking for my uncle in the index and it found him quickly. It listed his birthplace and parents names, useful information.

To learn more about the U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index read this post from Randy Seaver: – I recommend following his blog for news about databases added to familysearch and ancestry plus many good genealogy articles.

I hope to review the DNAgedcom ancestry client soon. It requires a subscription which seems fair as increased usage is bound to be costing them money and it is hard for these free sites to exist on donations alone. I like this trend whereby you can subscribe to a site like DNAgedcom or GEDmatch and get extra functionality but there is still plenty of good stuff available for free.

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2 thoughts on “ News

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  1. Hi Kitty – I tried DNAGedcom’s Ancestry client. Thoughts:

    * It works!

    * The cM are going to look quite a bit smaller than people are used to seeing. Smaller even than the same relative shows in another database. I think the tool is fine; as you know AncestryDNA leaves out some segments that they consider noise.

    * If you have GEDmatches that came from Ancestry, this tool will give you a few more clues to help locate them at AncestryDNA

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