Cyber Monday Sales for DNA and Genealogy

Cyber Monday used to be the day for online sales but most started last Thursday or Friday however I admit that I was too busy with family to pay much attention.

Ancestry’s sales will finish at midnight EST tomorrow, the end of Cyber Monday and they include 20% off AncestryDNA ($79). 11/28-12/1

Family Tree DNA has sales and mystery gifts until the end of December, see Roberta Estes’ post for more details:

and Family Tree Magazine has all kinds of holiday sales, with an additional discount that is ending Cyber Monday:



2 thoughts on “Cyber Monday Sales for DNA and Genealogy

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  1. Still distresses me that DNA at Ancestry is only available in the US. When are they going to allow others to test to broader the research pool!

  2. I know many who have tested from abroad at ancestry by getting a US cousin to take delivery of the kit and then using one of the shipping services mentioned here:
    That being said, both 23andme and family tree DNA have larger foreign databases so you are more likely to find matches. Plus they give you more detailed information and a chromosome browser

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