Genealogy Humor: Yes I am addicted!

I just discovered a wonderful set of comic strips for us genealogists (and genetic genealogists) called Geneapalooza by Esto Frigus that had me ROFL this morning. Here is one that says it all:
Geneapalooza ComicThis image is used by permission of the creator, Esto Frigus. Thanks Esto! Keep up the good work.

6 thoughts on “Genealogy Humor: Yes I am addicted!

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  1. I was at a function last night with my husband, and did not know many people. But in talking to one of his associates we discovered we both were working on our genealogy. Before long, others overhearing our discussion joined a gathering of about 30 people, at least 10 of us are working on our ancestry. And most have been doing it for years. Great ice breaker, instant friendships with each sharing their biggest mysteries, finds, and tips. It was great. Yes, it is addicting.

  2. Love all your comments!

    So while I was at the Cuyamaca College nursery buying a few plants today I chatted up the charming sales woman and got her interested in genealogy and doing a DNA test … not only am I addicted but I proselytize!

  3. Kitty , I just figured out how to add your blog to my Feedly so I can access it on a whim. You are one of my favorite bloggers ! And great comic there ( says it all) .

    Maggie ( at Wikitree).

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