
The downloads add-on I have been using is apparently broken. I will put a few downloads here the simple way.


Click here for all my presentation slides, published over at

Norwegian Genealogy

Click here for My 2nd cousin’s guide to Norwegian church books but one correction to a link, the digitized Norwegian records are now available here: and I have several posts about those archives (click here and here)






34 thoughts on “Downloads

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  1. I’m getting a blank document for the CSV template download. Is it supposed to be a .csv file, or other? The Excel file was fine. Thank you for providing these.

    • I’d like to use this program but don’t see a way to download from National Geographic. Nat Geo allows one to download to FTDNA but I don’t see how to transfer it to GEDmatch from FTDNA or the original Nat Geo? Can it be done?

      • Once you transfer your sample to Family Tree DNA, you can then have the Family Finder test run against it. The data collected from that can be downloaded and then uploaded to many other web sites for analysis.
        My tools however, are for the CSV files you make of your matches.

  2. Thanks kam1892, all fixed! Somehow the file was not there. Either one of the upgrades vanished it or I never uploaded it. Most likely the former since one of the other few hundred before you might have told me 🙂

  3. The Gedmatch Utilities (PDF) by Barton Lewis and Kitty has a problem for me: My PDF viewing program can’t open the file.

  4. Cheryl, I need a lot more information to help you. Which download gets a blank page? What computer or device are you using and what browser?

  5. I read where some had problems with a Link or two, so I clicked every single Link and had no problems whatsoever – So I have no idea what the problem(s) were, but as for NOW, all seems to be fine! TY for sharing!

    [I’m using Firefox v 42.0a1 on Win7 Ultimate (32-Bit), and have Adobe, Excel, and whatever…]

  6. Hi,
    This link above leads to the Slides not the notes: DNA Triangulation Presentation Notes. I would love to see the notes!


  7. Kitty I’ve tried to download the “Excell” spreadsheet via two different browsers and each time Excel claims it doesn’t recognize the format. (Mind you, I’m still running Excel for Mac 2011.) I was, however, able to import the CSV version. Thanks for all you do!

  8. Hello,
    I tried to download this file, Excell File for Tracking Matching DNA Segments, but I got an error message that Excel did not recognize the file format. I was able to download the other Excel file with no problem. I don’t know if the problem is because one file is Excell and the other is Excel.
    Thank you.

      • Both the .xls downloads work fine for me and most people. Try a different browser perhaps.
        You have click on the download in a browser and then it should either save to your computer, open a box asking where to save, or open in excel depending on your browser’s setup. In other words, the problem is not with my site but at your end.
        Try googling “set up my browser downloads” – replace my browser with whatever you are using.
        You can always try the .CSV version instead.

    • No the problems they had were different. I have OpenOffice not excel and it works fine for me. Did you try it in Google docs? What computer and what version of excel?

  9. I’m trying to download from your link “Leeds Method Excel Sheet, Kitty’s version”

    If I left click the link, I get a file not found message. If I right-click and select ‘save link as’, I get offered LeedsKittyCooperVersion.csv, which looks right, but which downloads as an excel csv file full of html code. Any thoughts?


  10. Ann and Chris –
    I am looking into your problems. WordPress just did an upgrade maybe that is related. I will let you know when it is solved

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