Party with Me on Feb. 10 at Rootstech 2017!

Last year’s Rootstech saw the advent of a great new event, the MyHeritage after party on Friday night, with lots of fun games (no I cannot throw a bean bag well) as well as music, karaoke, prizes, food, and drink. A great tension reliever after a hard day focusing on wonderful talks.


Shipley Munson and A.J.Jacobs on screen and on stage at Rootstech

I have five free party tickets to give out to my readers for this year’s after party on Friday February 10th. Everyone who completes my survey about my blog (click here) will be entered into a random drawing. You can also answer inline after the read more below. In addition, you can choose to do the questionnaire and not enter as well. Winners will be notified by email very soon.

This will be my fourth year at Rootstech and my third year speaking. My topic will again be DNA Triangulation, updated from previous renditions. This is one of my favorite subjects and I love to demonstrate how we used this in my family to confirm a shaky paper trail, as well as ways you can use this technique at the different companies.

Another point of excitement for fellow genetic genealogists is that our own wonderful Cece Moore is doing a keynote speech on Saturday.

Rootstech is my favorite conference (but see disclaimer below). The talks are always first rate and I love the exhibit hall and catching up with genealogy friends.

Here is a selfie I took in the hall after a keynote last year, amazing that so many people can move so efficiently.



Here is the survey, be sure to use the scrollbar to answer all five questions, to be entered in the ticket drawing you must include your email address. UPDATE The winners have been chosen as of midnight Jan 13 but you can still do the survey if you wish.

Disclaimer: My brother is Shipley Munson, organizer of Rootstech, so it is possible that I am biased in how much I like this conference.

UPDATE: A clever reader pointed out that the party Friday is the 10th not the 9th as originally published! So I corrected it. And my favorite response to the survey so far (in the email slot) is “I don’t want to enter I just wanted you to know I love your blog! Cheryl”. Thank you Cheryl!

5 thoughts on “Party with Me on Feb. 10 at Rootstech 2017!

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  1. I hadn’t heard about this party. It sounds like a lot of fun. Of course, I think the entire experience is going to be awesome. Looking forward to my first time at Roots Tech. Hope to get a chance to meet you.

    • Darlene, the party is by invitation only, maybe you will win one!

      Come up and introduce yourself to me after my Triangulation talk at 11 am the first day.

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