I love to talk about subjects I am knowledgeable on. Just ask my husband, who frequently accuses me of excessive pontificating. Not surprisingly, my latest outlet for this urge is speaking at conferences about genealogy and genetic genealogy.

This year I will be talking at Rootstech, in February in Salt Lake City, one of the very best genealogy conferences there is.* It also has the added advantage of being next door to the fabulous Family History Library. Plus David Archuleta is singing at the closing event.

This year I will be talking at Rootstech, in February in Salt Lake City, one of the very best genealogy conferences there is.* It also has the added advantage of being next door to the fabulous Family History Library. Plus David Archuleta is singing at the closing event.
My talk, RT1661, on Friday afternoon at 2:30 in Ballroom C, is about a subject near and dear to me – putting your research on a one world tree. Since I use all three of the biggest ones and did a blog post comparing them this last year, I have a lot to say on the subject. I will also give that same talk locally in March. Have a look at my presentations page for more details.
In June I will be speaking at DNA day at the SCSG Jamboree about breaking brick walls with DNA, something I have had some success with.
* Disclaimer: My brother Shipley Munson organizes the Rootstech conference so it is possible I am biased; but it really is a fabulous experience.
I’ll be at RootsTech and I’ll plan on attending your talk! I look forward to meeting you.
Great! I look forward to meeting you too 🙂