If I were just starting to learn about genetic genealogy now, I think I would sign up for the Institute of Genetic Genealogy’s conference in Washington this August organized by two of the leaders in this new field: Cece Moore (pictured to the left) and Tim Janzen. Immersion always works best for me.
If I could not make that, then I would try DNA day at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree in June.
In the meantime I might attend the Google+ hangout from 23andme Genetic Genealogy Basics, on May 22 at 12PM PST (3PM EST) (details at http://throughthetreesblog.
Then there are also a number of online courses to take:
Kelly Wheaton has an excellent self-paced series of lessons on Genetic Genealogy at:
The DNA adoption angels have lots of material on their web site and also offer classes: http://dnaadoption.com/index.php?page=online-classes. Their methodology has a wonderful track record for adoptees searching for their families and it is also very useful for those interested in better understanding genetic genealogy.
Then there is a good book on the subject, Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by Emily Aulicino
Plus there are a number of good blogs on the subject listed on my resources page.
Personally I have taken two genetics courses at Coursera but these are only useful if you really want to know a great deal more about genetics and they do not really delve into the practical aspects of genetic genealogy.
Any updates on classes for the coming year? I am in the waiting list for SLIG 2017 and registered for I4GG in October 2016 but am interested in more and have learned the hard way I must schedule far in advance 🙂
DNA day thursday at the SCGS jamboree is always good, I am submitting a proposal for a GEDmatch workshop (workshops are on the friday). Rootstech usually has some DNA stuff also but you have already signed up for the DNA focused ones that I know of.