My father is 100% Norwegian American.
- His MONSEN father was born in Kristiansand, Norway and his account of their emigation trip is one of my most treasured items. Another treasure is the family lullaby written by hs mother.
- His mother was born in Brooklyn to Norwegian immigrants, father from Etne Norway, the SKJOLD family and his mother from Skoger near Drammen Norway, the WOLD family.
My mother was born in Munich Germany to a Jewish father and a Bavarian Catholic mother. They came here in 1935 for obvious reasons.
- The Bavarian Catholic families are REINER and WITTMAN. No DNA matches yet for them and less done on their ancestry.
- The Jewish side families are THANNHAUSER, LANGERMANN, ENGEL, KUTZ, STEINHARDT, GUGGENHEIMER. Plenty of matches but most too distant to figure out. My grandfather was an only child so no 2nd cousins to help by testing.
Here is my tree at GENI with links to some DNA information:
embeddable family tree updated live from WikiTree